leadership skills

August 12, 2019

The Art Of Active Listening

Did you know that active listening is actually one of the most effective communication skills? It empowers us to build more constructive relationships with our people which leads to better performance.
November 5, 2019

Is There Room In Your Vision?

A crucial part in leadership is about moving forward. It is about leading yourself, your people, your business or organisation forward to where you want it to be. A vision keeps you, your people, and your business or organisation going.
January 31, 2020

How to truly value your people and increase their engagement

How to truly value your people and improve their engagement. We expect our people to value the customer and provide excellent service or sell outstanding products. But do we truly value our people? I see three problems that hold us back from creating an environment where people truly feel valued and WANT to be committed to.
March 24, 2020

How To Lead People Remotely

In this article, I address three challenges that leaders face when leading remotely.